2024, "Sara Enrico", Artforum, Vol 62, NO. 6, February, New York.
2023, "The post-era", Dune, Vol. 003 NO. 002, Flash Art, February, Milan, p. 08-19.
2023, "June Crespo", Artforum, Vol. 61, NO.7, March, New York.
2022, "Davide Balliano", Artforum, Vol. 60, NO. 9, May, New York.
2022, "Edi Hila", Artforum, Vol. 60, NO. 8, April, New York.
2022, "L'arte del tessere, a Mexico City", Exibart, NO 115, February - April, p. 28-29.
2022, "Marinella Senatore", Artforum, Vol 60, NO. 7, March, New York.
2022, "Post-Contemporary Visions.The Art of Nicola Samorì", in "On the Wall", edited by Demetrio Paparoni, Building Gallery Publishing, January, Milano.
2021, "Ibrahim Mahama", Artforum, Vol 60, NO. 1, September, New York.
2021, "Taloi Havini", Artforum, Vol 59, NO.10, Summer 2021, New York.
2021, "Latifa Echakhch", Artforum, Vol 59, NO.4, January/February, New York.
2020, "Tomás Saraceno", Artforum, Vol 59, NO.1, September, New York.
2020, "Urs Luthi", Artforum, Vol. 58, NO.8, April, New York
2020, “Berlinde De Bruyckere”, Artforum, Vol. 58, NO 6, February, New York.
2019, “Josep Graud-Garriga”, Artforum, Vol 57, NO. 8, April, New York.
2018, “Rosa Barba”, Artforum, Vol. 58, NO. 3, December, New York.
2015, “Harlem is the new Chelsea”, Artribune, issue n.40, March, Rome, pp 4-7.
2015, “The Audubon Mural Project. In other words, the Street Art in Harlem” [“The Audubon Mural Project. Ovvero la Street Art a Harlem”], Artribune, issue n.40, March, Rome, pp. 29-30.
2015, “In L’Aquila, Art Is in Construction” [All’Aquila, l’arte è in costruzione], MU6, issue n.32, January, L'Aquila, pp. 13-21.
2012, “Bubi Canal – Interview”, Tunica Magazine, issue n. 1, New York, pp. 7-12.
2010, “Aqvarcana”, in “Aqvarcana”, catalogue self-published by artist Filippo Lenzi, January, Bologna (Italy).
2005, “Yet, You Are Orange” [“Eppure Siete Arancioni”], in "Excuse me, for Bologna? You need to go around…” [“Scusi per Bologna? Lei Bisogna che faccia il giro…”] by Comaschi G., Pendragon, Bologna, pp. 68-73.
2022, "Luisa Rabbia: The Inferno, Broken in Nine Pieces", The Drawing Hall, published by Publi Paolini, September, Bergamo.
2019, “Francesca Alinovi”, PosmediaBooks, September, Milano.
2015, “Arte In Construzione”, UAO edizioni, December, L'Aquila.
05/05/2022 "The Garden of Trust: visual correspondences between Gluklya and Kati Horna", Exibart, Italy.
18/04/2022 "Ruth Beraha", Artforum, New York.
21/12/2021 "Janny Saville", Artforum, New York.
28/09/2021 "Filippo Berta", Artforum, New York.
11/09/2021 "11 settembre 2021: Odissea Maurizio Cattelan", Exibart, Italy.
25/08/2021 "Emilio Vavarella", Artforum, New York.
21/07/2021 "Nicola Samorì", Artforum, New York.
12/07/2020 "Rä di Martino", ArtForum, New York.
11/22/2020 "Le Muse Inquiete (The Disquieted Muses)", ArtForum, New York.
02/10/2020 "Franco Vaccari", ArtForum, New York.
10/25/2019 “Il nuovo disco dei C’Mon Tigre è un libro d’artista”, Artribune, Italy.
04/18/2019 “Prateep Suthathongthai”, Artforum, New York.
01/31/2019 “Domenico Mangano & Marieke Van Rooy”, Artforum, New York.
12/08/2018 “Parola d’ordine: resistenza. Intervista ad Alfredo Jaar”, Artribune, Italy.
10/07/2018 “Come è andato il festival “L’eredità della donne” a Firenze?”, Artribune, Italy.
06/28/2018 “400: politica e cultura nell’edizione 14 del festival Crack! Fumetti Dirompenti”, Artribune, Italy.
05/25/2018 “Robert Kushner”, Artforum, New York.
04/24/2018 “New York. Is there a future for the Chelsea Hotel?”, Domus, Italy.
04/06/2018 “Bradley Eros”, Artforum, New York.
02/02/2018 “Laurel Nakadate”, Artforum, New York.
02/03/2018 “RAID a Bologna. Il racconto di una insider”, Artribune, Italy.
11/10/2017 “Martìn Remìrez”, Artforum, New York.
10/20/2017 “Danilo Correale”, Artforum, New York.
10/18/2017 “Icons and stereotypes: a century of fashion at MoMA”, Domus, Italy.
09/30/2017 “C’è anche un po' di Italia ai Bushwick Open Studios”, Artribune, Italy.
07/31/2017 “Ettore Sottsass at the MET”, Domus, Italy.
06/25/2017 “Apre vicino a New York: Magazzino”, Artribune, Italy.
04/28/2017 “Gli studi degli artisti italiani a New York”, Artribune, Italy.
04/27/2017 “La factory di Filippo Cavalca”, Artribune, Italy.
16/03/2017 “Whitney Biennial 2017. Una biennale educata”, Artribune, Italy.
05/03/2017 “Gli italiani all’Armory Show”, Artribune, Italy.
03/02/2017 “Prime immagini dall’Armory Show di New York e dalle altre fiere” Artribune, Italy.
12/20/2016 “Natale al museo. Destinazine New York”, Artribune, Italy.
11/27/2016 “New York Beat #7. Pipilotti Rist and outdoor Italians”, Artribune, Italy.
11/07/2016 “New York Beat #6. From the Whitney Museum to the Bronx”, Artribune, Italy.
10/13/2016 “New York Beat #5. From the galleries in Chelsea to the hunting houses in Brooklyn” Artribune, Italy.
03/27/2016 “New York Beat #4. From the MET Breuer to the month of woman”, Artribune, Italy.
03/01/2016 “New York Beat #3. From Radio Nuova York to the Armory Week”, Artribune, Italy.
02/17/2016 “New York Beat #2. Laura Poitras at the Whitney Museum”, Artribune, Italy.
02/03/2016 “New York Beat #1. Two Italian Illustrators in NYC”, Artribune, Italy.
12/20/2016 “Christmas at the Museum” [“Natale al museo. Destinazione New York”], Artribune, Italy.
03/05/2016 “Faces from the Armory Show” [“Facce da Armory Show. Abbiamo chiesto ai galleristi italiani di posare con un'opera del loro stand: ecco il risultato”] Artribune, Italy.
03/02/2016 “An American Story: Two Italian Illustrators Entered the Collective Imaginary of New Yorkers”, ArteFuse, New York.
10/01/2015 “Cara, I am in New York. And I speak Italian” [“Cara, sono a New York. E parlo italiano”], Artribune, Italy.
08/28/2015 “The Creative Blackness of New York” [“Tutta la blackness creativa di New York. Due festival riscoprono il ricco background afroamericano della Grande Mela”], Artribune, Italy.
05/08/2015 “The criminal, the guarantor and the bounty hunter. In Brooklyn” [“Il criminale, il garante e il cacciatore di taglie. A Brooklyn”], Artribune, Italy.
09/23/2014 “Occupy Windows in Florence” [“Occupare finestre a Firenze. Conversazione con Yan Blusseau”], Artribune, Italy.
01/29/2014 “Cracking Art takes over Bologna” [“Cracking Art invade Bologna. E quasi quasi mi faccio uno shampoo”], Artribune, Italy.
12/17/2013 “The Italian Daniela Croce Opens a Space for Art, Music, Video and Performance” [“L’Italiana Daniela Croci apre a Bushwick un nuovo spazio per arte, musica, video e performance. Alla frontiera della frontiera del sistema dell’arte newyorkese”], Artribune, Italy.
04/16/2013 “Mer (Marisa) and Gladstone (Barbara), a Strong Couple in New York” [“Merz (Marisa) e Gladstone (Barbara). Coppie di polso a New York”], Artribune, Italy.
03/10/2013 “Landing in Volta Fair” [“Sbarco a Volta Fair”], Artribune, Italy.
03/19/2013 “Special Guest: Cecilia Alemani. Interview at the Armory Show” [Intervista in mezzo all’Armory”], Artribune, Italy.
01/25/2013 “The Wonderful 9” [I magnifici 9. Via la pittura da Manhattan!”], Artribune, Italy.
12/14/2012 “The Wonderful 9” [I magnifici 9. Quel che resta a New York nella settimana della fuga di cervelli (d’arte) a Miami”], Artribune, Italy.
11/03/2012 “Welcome to Halloween, Sandy”, CCT-SeeCity, Firenze (Italy).
04/30/2010 “The Permanent Ephemeral” [“L’Effimero Permanente”], Alleo, Firenze, Italy.
20/12/2020 "Daniela Comani: The Beginning The End", Studio G7 Gallery, Bologna, Italy.
10/10/2016 "Torrick Ablack Toxic: What’s next Toxic?", Farsetti Gallery, Firenze, Italy
17/12/2013 "Daniele Davitti: Immaculate Decay", Tazza Gallery, New York.
15/11/2012 "Alessandro Del Pero: Effort", Tazza Gallery, New York.
2006 “Challenges of the International Environmental Politics: The Kyoto Agreement” [“Sviluppi e limiti delle politiche ambientali: la sfida del Protocollo di Kyoto”], Cesari Alfieri, University of Florence (Italy), Master in International Politics, 265 pages.
2011 “Urban Drawings in the Nevada Desert. The Burning Man Festival” [Tracciati urbani nel deserto del Nevada. The Burning Man Festival”], Alma Mater Studiorium, University Of Bologna (Italy), Master in Contemporary art, 280 pages.